Saturday, September 25, 2010

Such an AWESOME ride!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Y'all!!! ( as paula deen would say )

I had such an amazing ride on shay today!! Thankfully Brian took video of it, so you can see. I did abut 8 laps around the barn, the whole time i kept her at the same, collected gate (canter). I am just so happy with myself! not only did i keep control of her, but my posture was good, i was relaxed, my hands were "quiet" and my heels were down... we were sooo connected! i really needed a ride like this! She's the first horse since Cinnamon that i've felt so connected with... I am sooo lucky.   Also, Brian rode today! He did a really good job, I'm soooo proud of him! and he looked sooo hott up there on her!! haha ;)
                                                                    GREAT RIDE (PT 1)

                                                               GREAT RIDE (PT 2)

Brian riding Shay!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Name Change

Hey there Y'all...    Shake The Dust's barn name is/ was "Shakey."  I just don't think that's the greatest name for a horse... So I'm going to start calling her "Shay." It's still girly and still part of her show name, I just think it sounds a bit better... Let me know what YOU think :)


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hey Y'all!!  Here are a few new pics to check out! Have a couple links to my newest video's, and I've inserted an additional video special for you guys! but don't forget to click the links at the end of this post!! Hope y'all enjoy!

xoxo  OTR

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Horse!

Well Folks! I just purchased Shakes The Dust!! She's my very Own! I bought her with my own money that I've made, and it's the first horse I've owned since I was about 12 years old. She is an off the track Thoroughbred, 12 years old, her grand-sire is Gone West (I'll attach the link to his youtube sight below). His stud fee was $150,000! Nope, I didn't accidentally add too many zeros! But, the BIGGEST bonus of it all.......  "Shakey" is 5th generation SECRETARIAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, THE Secretariat!!!  The world record holding Secretariat!! The Secretariat who's movie premiers next month. Anyway, she is a great horse! I truly believe we're a match made in heaven, just like me and Brian. I took her out for a 2 hour trail ride yesterday (first time riding her) and she didn't spook at ANYTHING, even the dog that ran out in front of us barking! There were cars driving by, motorcycles in all their glory, bottles on the ground, and other horses running up, and she could have cared less! I'll be doing some finishing work with her since the only thing she know is how to be a racehorse and how to go on trails, but she has the sweetest disposition ESPECIALLY for a Thoroughbred! I hope ya'll will follow along as Shakey and I grow together. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

Thanks for reading!

link for video of me and Shake The Dust:
link for video of grand-sire Gone West:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wow. I REALLY need to get better at this!

So sorry for not having posted anything for like... ever! This is why I have so many journals with only the first few pages filled in, I'm horrible at this. Anyway, I still don't have pics from my actual lessons yet. I've been going during the week while Brian's at work, which leaves no one to take any pics! hopefully I'll be getting some shortly though. The lessons have been going well. I have improved for sure. Balance is getting better, sholders are getting sore-er. That means I'm doing it RIGHT!!! HA! Pam is hoping to have me showing by the end of the year. She says I'm going to "be a star!" I can only hope.

Thanks for readin'!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter at the Barn.

So my hubby had to spend Easter working, so I hung out with Tori and Susan at the barn all day yesterday! We had a blast! I got to ride Joe (in a western saddle) and Cash (in an english saddle). So far I have only had ONE lesson, but because of it I did 100% better riding yesterday! My form was practically perfect, my posting was great, I didn't lose my footing  and I kept my heels down and my head up! But most of all,  I WASN'T AFFRAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's a HUGE deal for me... I felt like I did when I used to ride, confident, relaxed and in control!!  THANK YOU PAM!!!!!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

horseshoe hang-up

So I was supposed to have another lesson today. Got out there and just got done grooming Kid, was picking his feet, and saw that he had a nail popping out of his shoe. Pam had to clip the nail and put kid in his stall. Oh well, I'll have a lesson sometime this week, then on my birtday next sunday. Cant wait!! make sure you're following Lori's journey on her blog!!! im so proud of her!

On the Rocks

Sunday, March 28, 2010

First Lesson!

So I finally had my first lesson yesterday and it was AWESOME!!  My trainer said that I did very well, and that she was very happy to have me training with her. I didn't do much, just tried to work on getting familiar with "kid." She put us on the lunge line, and was working with my balance and steering at the walk and trot. After a while I finally started to get the hang of it. She's starting me out ridin on hills, that way when I move into the arena it will be much eaiser for me because i'd have already learned how to ride on the toughest terrain. Im glad that I did well; Brian said he was proud of me which made me very happy. No pics yet, maybe on Tuesday, which is my next lesson, and LORI will be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

ugh........ crap.

Got rained out today so I still haven't had my lesson. AND... I got fired. for no reason. ... I've never been fired.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

High Hopes

Well, tomorrow is suppose to be my (now first) lesson!! Im sooooooo excited! I hope everything goes well and I dont fall on my cushy ol' butt! Brian's supposed to go with me, so maybe sometime on friday I'll post some pics! (if I'm not too busy with the fights my boss so kindly volunteered me for!)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dressage Lesson.. take ONE

So I was supposed to have my first dressage lesson today, but unfortunately it was cancelled due to my lesson horse training super hard for the upcoming show. Oh well, guess I'll start on Thursday. Sorry nothing to report on it. I was pretty bummed (still am), but I'll just keep watching videos on youtube to get myself pumped up for the first lesson......!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Preparation H-ORSE

Howdy!  Tomorrow I start my Dressage lessons. I'll be doing 2 lessons a week to start. I just got all of my gear today, which cost me roughly $400 bucks (and thats just for beginning training stuff)! I got my paddock boots, half-chaps, helmet, riding gloves, socks (zocks), and my breechers (very tight riding pants). I'm debating putting a picture of me in my gear up, because I look like a total goof! I'll try to post video and pics as often as possible, but honestly it took me FOR-EVER to figure out how to set this up! :) Well, I guess that's it for now.....  thanks for reading!

(once I think of a good sign-off I'll use it)