Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter at the Barn.

So my hubby had to spend Easter working, so I hung out with Tori and Susan at the barn all day yesterday! We had a blast! I got to ride Joe (in a western saddle) and Cash (in an english saddle). So far I have only had ONE lesson, but because of it I did 100% better riding yesterday! My form was practically perfect, my posting was great, I didn't lose my footing  and I kept my heels down and my head up! But most of all,  I WASN'T AFFRAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's a HUGE deal for me... I felt like I did when I used to ride, confident, relaxed and in control!!  THANK YOU PAM!!!!!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

horseshoe hang-up

So I was supposed to have another lesson today. Got out there and just got done grooming Kid, was picking his feet, and saw that he had a nail popping out of his shoe. Pam had to clip the nail and put kid in his stall. Oh well, I'll have a lesson sometime this week, then on my birtday next sunday. Cant wait!! make sure you're following Lori's journey on her blog!!! im so proud of her!

On the Rocks